
"I have a blog that I would like for you all to take a look at. Silk and Purple is a new blog that a small group of some young ladies in our community have started. The blog is truly amazing, just in all of the work that they have put into getting it started and it looks great. If you have an older daughter, or even if you don't, this blog is sure to be added to your favorites list. More than just fashion advice, the young ladies over at Silk & Purple strive to make a statement that beauty is more than just skin deep. They truly try to honor Christ in their posts and bring Him into the middle of every issue. Raising daughters in this culture is hard, so when encouragement from like-minded sisters in Christ comes along, I for one know that my oldest daughter is very grateful for the Godly advice that is offered. Every thing from fashion advice and recipes to much needed posts on speech and using words carefully. The wit and humor mixed with truth and good advice is sure to make this blog a favorite of ours for quite a while.  I also appreciate the honoring attitude that the girls display towards their parents, consistently speaking highly of them." 
Robin White from Celebrating Motherhood Everyday

"This is great. Thanks for your effort and praise the Lord for your heart."
~ Harry L. Reeder III, Senior Pastor/Teacher of Briarwood PCA

"This world has such a warped view about what is considered beautiful, and too often we, even as christians, are decieved when we don't feel accepted. I have read several books that included things on what true beauty is, but what really stood out to me about your blog is that you not only inform girls about a Godly beauty, but you give them tips and advice on how to achieve it. First, I just want to thank you for that because I have already learned from what I have read. I really think God is working through this..."
~ Savannah, a Silk and Purple Supporter

"Silk & Purple is a delightful new site, focused on encouraging young, single women to live honorably for the Lord. 
Young ladies can find all sorts of encouragement there, as well as very practical direction for living out their faith. From fashion, etiquette and health to growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord, Silk & Purple is a place your daughters can find support, guidance and encouragement from other young women walking in their shoes. In the midst of a culture tugging them away from truth, I am thrilled for places that help our girls grow into women of God.
"Be sure check it out and let them know what you think!" 
~ Kelly @ Generation Cedar