Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Eat Your Colors - Yellow

Bananas...delicious in smoothies or dipped in peanut butter, and always welcome as an afternoon snack!

-Bananas are a wonderful source of fiber. One banana contains 16% of our necessary daily fiber.
-Bananas are one of the highest sources of naturally available Vitamin B6.
-Bananas contain high amounts of potassium, which minimize the loss of calcium from the body and later can prevent osteoporosis.
-Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, which can prevent heartburn.

Try eating a banana a day for a week instead of your normal dessert. You will feel better and be healthier!

Yellow squash...not most people's preferred vegetable, but a tasty staple in the healthy eater's world.

-Squash contains high amounts of beta carotene, which protects your body from pollutants and chemicals that lead to cancer.
-Squash contains Vitamins A and C, magnesium, and fiber, to name a few.
-The magnesium content in squash has been shown to prevent the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
-Squash contains high levels of manganese, which aid in protecting healthy bone structure and bone building, and contributes to the mineral density of the spinal column.

So start adding squash to your diet here and there. It is wonderful cut up raw in salads, used as a topping for pizza, roasted with other vegetables in olive oil and herbs, and dipped in hummus.

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