Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tutorial 1 - Ethereal Hair Braid

Our first tutorial!!
Enjoy and pass it on to your family and friends.

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Homemade Soup!

Here is a recipe for a wonderful and healthy soup to enjoy on a cold winter night. Have fun serving your family by giving them a delicious meal!

Chick Pea Soup

- 2 Tbsp. olive oil
- 2 leeks, sliced
- 2 zucchini, diced
- 2 garlic cloves, crushed
- 2 14 oz. cans chopped tomatoes
- 1 Tbsp. tomato paste
- 1 fresh bay leaf (I usually use a dried leaf)
- 3 1/2 cups chicken stock
- 14 oz. can of chick peas, drained(also called garbanzo beans)
- 1 cup fresh spinach
- salt and pepper to taste
- freshly grated Parmesan cheese, optional

-Step 1: Heat oil in a large saucepan. Add leeks and and zucchini; cook briskly for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
-Step 2: Add garlic, tomatoes, tomato paste, bay leaf, chicken stock, and chick peas. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes.
-Step 3: Shred spinach finely and add to the soup. Cook for 2 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.
-Step 4: Remove bay leaf from the soup and discard.
-Step 5: Serve soup with Parmesan cheese, if desired.
And the result...

Monday, November 28, 2011

Buy of the Week (Cyber Monday Special)

Free shipping and savings galore!

Here are some favorite shops with deals!
Don't go overboard with spending. Be a good steward of your funds ;)

Beautiful skirt for Christmas parties! Find this Skirt here!

Please note that not all items from these stores are recommended by SnP! These sites should be monitored by parents when shopping beyond the linked page. Happy Shopping, but be mindful of what you purchase as an ambassador of Christ!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Reflections from the Dressing Room

I've seen it more times than I wish to -- girls snapping photos in the dressing room in the shortest tube dresses they can squeeze into and then posting it on their social networking pages. As if wearing the dress in real life isn't bad enough, now they have it documented in the public archives of their lives.

What is with the obsession of snapping photos of ourselves, then
posting them on our social feeds?

I think it all has to do with the little thing called vanity.
Oooooh, how it hurts to admit it.

Our vanity is easily fed by the technology around us. We want folks to look at us and admire our beauty and material possessions, but what if we desired for people to admire our hearts? I don't mean becoming a Pharisee with a "holier than thou" attitude, but living a life that exemplifies character rather than what a camera or mirror can capture.

We are in great need of examining ourselves in a mirror, and I'm not referring to the ones on the wall or in our purses. The mirror I'm referring to examines the reflections of our hearts -- the Bible. God has left His Word as a way for us to reflect on His goodness and statutes. We need to look deeply into His mirror to see if we are truly reflecting Him!

So here is a challenge to you and me: let's purpose to spend an equal amount of time in reflecting on what is in our hearts as we do reflecting on our outward appearances. Yes, we must take time to properly groom ourselves to be presentable, and I love to see the joy of youthful delight through a photo on social media, but the young woman who portrays the wily Proverbs 7 woman brings disgrace and temptation to all who view her picture. The immodest photos young women snap from their dressing rooms are displaying their bodies in a way that creates lust. Perhaps many don't realize what this is doing to the men around them, but then again, many do.

We must be very careful of the way we present ourselves to the world. A photo can speak a thousand words, and as Christians, we should desire for those words to be honoring to our Heavenly Father!

Ask yourself what the world sees. For me, I hope you see Jesus : )

Friday, November 25, 2011

Great Interview

Take a few minutes and listen to this interview with Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin about their new book It's (Not That) Complicated: How to Relate to Guys in a Healthy, Sane, and Biblical Way.

Click here to listen to the interview!
Find out more about the book here!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Grateful and Thankful

"What if you woke up only with the things you thanked God for yesterday?"

Something to think about today... and every day.

From all of us here at Silk and Purple, Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Eating Healthy Is Fun!

What comes to mind when you hear the words "eating healthy"? What about all salads and grapefruit and no desserts? Or disgusting and weird foods? If those are your thoughts, you are not unusual or abnormal. Most people don't realize that eating healthy can be fun and satisfying. So toss away those thoughts and let's discover how exciting 
healthy eating can be!

Each week I will be sharing tips, fun facts, helpful information, and yummy recipes about eating and being healthy.

Ask God to show you His plan for your health, so that you can 
serve Him to your best ability.

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."
Ephesians 2:10.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Buy of the Week

Everything about these tops makes me smile :) I love embellishments -- just not overdone.
These are perfect for a Christmas party or a daddy-daughter date! I love that the necklines are very modest. Pair with a corduroy skirt in a fun color and some boots or a long, silk wrap skirt!

Find the blue sweater here.

Find the pink top here.

Please note that not all items from this store are recommended by SnP!
Happy Shopping, but be mindful of what you purchase as an ambassador of Christ!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thank You...

...Briarwood PCA! 

So honored for Briarwood to publish Abby's article "Silk and Purple" in the women's newsletter!
To read the full article, click here!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Vintage and how to wear it!

Are you an admirer of vintage clothing, but are not sure how to wear it? Well, pull out your grandmother's fur coat and embrace the elegance of vintage!

The top thing to remember is a little goes a looooooong way! I love my great-grandmother's fur coat, my grandmother's earbobs, and my 1940's laced Peter-Pan collared dress, but I wouldn't choose to wear them all at the same time (unless needing a 1940's costume). It's important to balance more modern clothing with the flare of vintage!

Seven thoughts regarding vintage...

1. Clothing size numbers have greatly changed! A general rule is to double your size number when shopping for vintage clothing. If you're a Size 8 in today's clothing, start with a 16. ALWAYS try it on or take good measurements.

2. Check for quality of garment. Moths are vintage clothing's enemy! A little hole is a big hole. Be sure to inspect the zipper, hem, buttons and check for stains. Beading and lace can be tricky to examine, but it will be worth your time. No matter how wonderful a garment may seem at a glance, you can't wear it if it's falling apart!

3. Look at all eras of vintage! The 40's seem to be a favorite among young ladies due to its modesty and classic appeal. Remember not every woman in the 60's wore mini skirts and hippie jeans. Some of my favorite vintage items are dated from the 60's and 70's. :)

4. Choose one vintage item, no more than two, when putting an outfit together.

5. Purchasing vintage can get pricey sometimes, so don't go overboard. Yes, it is true you'll truly be one of a kind, but make sure this is the best purchase for you, e.g., don't blow your whole clothing budget on one vintage necklace. Lots of stores now carry vintage-inspired pieces that may be more cost-efficient, so check them out before making a big purchase.

6. It can be fun to add a bit of a vintage twist to your hair and makeup with your ordinary wardrobe!

7. Vintage shops are not the only places that have vintage clothing. Visit the thrift store, the back of your grandmother's or mom's closets, yard sales, and online.

I hope you have a fantastic time making things a little more fun, a little more unique, and a little more elegant!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Buy of the Week

Albertus Swanepoel for Target® Ganache Hat - Green.Opens in a new window
Merona® Felt Cloche - Burgundy
These hats are the bee's knees! Perfect for the cold weather! Target has a great selection of these little beauties. 

Find the Camel hat here!

Find the maroon hat here!

Please note that not all items from this store are recommended by SnP!
Happy Shopping, but be mindful of what you purchase as an ambassador of Christ!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Men Against Immodesty

Silk and Purple welcomes Men Against Immodesty, a way for young men to show encouragement to their sisters in Christ! Pass on the Men Against Immodesty facebook page to your fathers and brothers in Christ. 

Find the facebook page here!

"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." 
1 Thessalonians 5:11

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Celebrate Your Season

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven"

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Have you ever wanted to appear older? Have you ever wanted to look younger? 

My niece is at the wise age of 4. Her fondest desires are to marry the prince (her daddy), wear high heels, look like her mommy, and work with her parents on a laptop. This little dear one is so enamored with growing up to be a big girl. Her desires show the love of dreaming -- a beautiful quality, but one that can easily spawn discontentment. In her little girl heart, she observes how "magical" big girls appear and wants to be like them.

So do we ever grow out of this, or are we forever the little girl clacking around in our mother's shoes, sneaking the reddest lipstick we can find onto our little clown made-up faces?

Observe just about any woman or girl and she will show you that she is not fully content with her age and appearance. When we are young, we race to be and seem older; when we are old, we take many measures (sometimes even drastic ones) to look young.

Twisted? Maybe. I think this is just our lack of recognizing and embracing our different seasons of life!

I enjoy wearing necklaces, the colorful type. Since I'm in my very early 20's, I can fully delight in wearing my favorite jewelry with no worries about little fingers and mouths thinking it is a snack (unless I'm helping friends with their little ones or my sister brings my nieces and nephew home). Someday if the Lord blesses me with children, I will most likely have to place my jewelry away due to the time of life I've entered -- motherhood. Yet both seasons have their pleasures and neither should be despised!

It's amazing how many mothers and daughters argue about makeup! There is nothing wrong with the desire to become a woman. As young ladies, though, it's our job to honor our mothers and trust that their judgment will guide us according to what is best! We should remember that no matter how much makeup, hair styling, or squeezing into clothing we do to "become a woman," if we do not grow the heart of a mature godly woman, we will never be able to mask our hearts of immature childishness. 

If I could encourage every woman, I would tell them this: being age-appropriate is essential to being modest. It's not okay for a 10-year-old to dress as a 16-year-old; it's not okay for a  16-year-old to dress like she's 45, and vice-versa. Grow a mature heart in the Lord and celebrate the age you are today! If you pine it away, it will never be returned to you! 

"For everything there is a season!"

Monday, November 7, 2011

Buy of the Week

The color crush of the season, this red coat is perfect for keeping you cozy, practical, and feminine! If you're not into red, Forever 21 has a great selection of many super affordable coats in all shapes, sizes, and colors!


You can find this coat here!

Please note that not all items from this store are recommended by SnP!
Happy Shopping, but be mindful of what you purchase as an ambassador of Christ!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Every Man's Battle

We can show love and help our brothers in Christ!
Listen to their hearts.

The Skinny on Skinny Jeans

Do you feel you are squeezing into your pair of jeans like toothpaste through a tube rather than being able to slip them on with ease? Are you having trouble getting blood flow to your feet?

Girls of all sizes and ages are crazy about skinny jeans, but by wearing them, are we displaying a good representation of Christ and are we helping our brothers in Christ to flee temptation? As we know, fellows are tempted by skin; the next temptation is curves.

Think about this:
I buy a football and want to give it to you as a surprise gift. I wrap it so tightly that you are able to see all the details of the gift -- you can easily tell what is in the package. There is no mystery or surprise. Everyone knows what's in the gift before you even open it.

A similar analogy happens every day. A young lady gives away all mystery by "wrapping" herself so tightly in clothing she is no longer keeping secret the special gift she will give to her future husband! The purpose of wearing skinny jeans is to show curves, and they do a great job of that. Most girls love sparkle, but details on the back pockets of a jean such as rhinestones, metallic thread, and sequins are a big attention-grabber. It's like placing a sign on your posterior that says "look at my bum"!

As Christians, we certainly don't want people's thoughts to be drawn to our posterior. Yes, we all have curves in different places and I'm not implying we should hide under tents, but we can examine our wardrobes and weed out things that bring attention to the wrong areas. A good pair of jeans are great to have. I enjoy slacks or jeans when crawling under tables in art class, but a great fit is essential to your body type. If you're squeezing, pulling, or constantly adjusting, these are signs that the jeans need to take a trip to the trash. 

Try some alternatives to the skinny jean.

My favorite is a wide leg cut jean, but not so wide as to be baggy. As a rule of thumb, look for jeans that are proportionate with your body frame so you will not be overwhelmed by the jean. If you are petite, a narrower leg might be appropriate for your frame.

Pair your perfectly-fit jeans with some feminine details and a modest ladylike top to soften the look.

And that's the skinny ;)